The Official Charity Supporting Altnagelvin Hospital


Enhancing Patient Care for Over 25 Years

“Our mission is to improve and enhance patient care at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry-Londonderry, Northern Ireland.

A hospital stay can be a stressful life event. We help make the hospital a more therapeutic and less intimidating environment.”


Friends for Good

We were established over twenty-five years ago by the late Mr Harry Bennett, Consultant Surgeon.

There are many different ways that we help and support patients, over and above what the NHS can provide.

For example we’ve funded items such as baby strollers, reclining chairs for relatives/carers’ overnight stays, and water-less shampoo caps for bed-bound patients.


Fund-raising and Events

Over the years, we have raised over £300,000 to directly benefit patients attending Altnagelvin.

Much of our fund-raising revolves around events such as coffee evenings, cake sales and our popular annual golf tournament.

We also provide a focus and administration for donations, legacies and memorials to loved ones.


How to Donate

At this time, we prefer donations to be made via our Just Giving page.

However we can also accept cheques made payable to Friends of Altnagelvin.

Please send cheques c/o Peter Nicholl, Altnagelvin Hospital, Trust Headquarters, Mdec Building, Glenshane Road, Londonderry, BT47 5YN. 


Feel free to contact us using the form on the right.

For more information, see our Charity Commission reports.